No. of Full Time Members
How long have you been in Business?
Do you or your team members have any previous business experience?
If yes, how many years ??
How do you think your past experience is going to help you in this new venture?
More on Team Members/Promoter/Advisors
Please fill it to maximum precision
Which Sector does your Startup Idea belongs to ?
Type of Business
Legal entity (proposed)
Write a brief note about your product or service or process
Do you currently have the following? (Tick all that apply)
Have you estimated and identified your seed funding needs/source?
Do you need any machinery or capital item for starting your startup?
If yes, please specify the same with the purpose:
Is this technology your own or obtained from other sources?
If your own, have you completed technology development? Or what stage you are in the developmental process? What is the estimated time for completion of development of the technology?
Can your technology or product be patented, trademarked or protected from duplication (if applicable)? If not what other sustainable competitive advantage do you have?
Your reason (s) for seeking space in the incubator
How are you funded till date?
How much money has already been invested in the company and by whom?
How do you intend to finance the business for the next 3 years?
Do you expect to use any hazardous or toxic materials? If so, describe.
Do you need any form of assistance from SVIF Center in technology development or other? Tick areas of assistance required from the incubator (whichever apply).
How did you learn about SVIF Center?
Reference 1
Reference 2